About Me

"Dreams without goals are just dreams, and they ultimately fuel disappointment.”

— Denzel Washington

Desmond Astaire is an American author of science fiction, fantasy, and paranormal fiction.

He was first published by Galaxy Press in 2022 and has since published stories in the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom. In his other life, Astaire is a superintendent for a military public relations unit, where he supervises the training and operations of multimedia content creators. 

Astaire lives in Central Illinois with his wife and children. A member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association, he is the recipient of awards including the L. Ron Hubbard Golden Pen, the Benjamin Franklin Award Gold Medal, and the Independent Publisher Book Awards Gold Medal for Science Fiction.

His debut novela novelization of the award-winning short story "Gallows"—is slated for publication in 2026.

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